Friday, September 17, 2010

House, Church, and More

Well....we have been busy unpacking and getting our house together. We ran across a few problems with the house like lights missing that should have been installed. Also, we had to have the carpet taken out of one of the rooms so we are waiting to get things moved into that room. We got passport photos today for our new visa cards to live here in the NL. Steve has been working so hard putting all our information together and calling to get things like official copies of birth certificates. It is a process....we are trying to enjoy the process. Our pastor at the church we are working with keeps telling us you need to take 3 months to settle in your home and just get to know the people of the church before you start any ministry. He has been great to support us and make sure that we take care of our family first. I met a really great lady at the church who has a son only a few days older than Kees. She brought me a CD of Christian kids praise in Dutch last Sunday. Then yesterday there was a card in our mailbox she had brought by for us. Her name is Joke(the e sounds like a ). It is really nice to be able to be apart of a church with so many young families! We had a student from Delft over the night before last and are meeting with a girl at the church who has a heart to reach students at the University. I will take some photos of the campus next time we are there so you can see it!

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