Friday, November 26, 2010

Washing Machine!

Today was a happy day at the Kramer house! The new washing machine came! The great thing about being a renter is that the owners pay for it and I get a new washer. I guess the one that was replaced was 35 years old! I think this is one of the few times that I have had a washer and dryer before. For some reason it hasn't worked out to have one. I went to a laundromat when we were in the states which happened to be conveniently located next to a Starbucks. I just washed a load of towels tonight which is so much better than hand-washing your clothes! I think the washing machine is one of the best inventions man has ever made. The soft hum of it running is like music of a perfect melody...can you tell that I'm excited to have a washer!

1 comment:

Wendi said...

So happy for you! Maybe you'll have
more time for painting;-)