Monday, December 17, 2012

The Past Week

 It was a rough week of saying our goodbyes to the Team that has been with us this past year. It was especially hard explaining to Kees why they had to leave. We told him that they had to go be with their Opa and Oma's. He understands that we can skype and still see them and send mail like with his Opa's and Oma's. The team has been a huge blessing to our family. I will miss them so much!  Above is Austin and Amy the day before they flew out. We went with them to the Christmas market in Aachen, Germany.

 Kees rode on these cars last year and was excited to do it again!
 Here is Miss Sela sitting with Austin at Starbucks.
 We tried to brighten up the week of tears and saying goodbyes by going to pick out a Christmas tree.
 Kees had fun picking out this plump little tree and we had a nice time decorating together. I remember when I was a kid my mom getting the big Christmas box from the garage and decorating together. It is really special to now be doing the same with my kids.
By the way this is how we got the tree home...Holland style. ;)

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