Sunday, April 1, 2012

Taking the Bike to Church!

 The weather has been warm enough for Kees to start riding his bike again. He rode to school for the first time last week and this Sunday he rode to church! It has been nice for him to be able to get outside again and burn some of his energy!
 He loves his bike!
 On the way to church we stopped to smell the flowers! Yeah for Spring!
 The first tulip in the courtyard by our house!
 Someone wasn't in the mood for pictures so this is Kees not happy he had to get off his bike so mom could take his picture...
Kees is in the middle of saying, "I get back on my bike now..." My idea of him smiling sitting in the flowers shirt pressed and hair neatly combed for a picture will have to wait for another day. :) 


Wendi said...

Looks so pretty there ! I would imagine that Kees would MUCH rather ride his bike, than take a picture in the flowers! ha ha!! ;-)

dajmommy said...

Okay, please tell Kees Auntie Angie would like him to stop growing up now! He's gotten so big. It makes me miss him even more. :(