Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Good Laugh!

Some funny Kees sayings from the past week:

Kees and I were walking past a bridal store in the city and he looked at the dresses in the window and said, "Mama you like those Angels? "

We were reading a book about Jesus and how he loves the little children. There was a page at the end of the book were you could write what you would want to ask Jesus. Kees was looking at the picture of the kids writing down their questions to Jesus and said, "They are going to the grocery store." I guess he thinks anytime you write something down it is a grocery list. 

Kees was playing a computer game and it was all about the color red. The red pen, the red car, the red house, the red chair....red, red, red. As a joke Steve turned to Kees and asked, "Kees what color are you learning about? Kees answered with a silly grin "Pink." 

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