Friday, January 13, 2012

Painting for Kees

 This is the painting that I just finished for Kees' room. It was inspired by the inside cover of Kees' Bambi book, the forest animals from the kids area at the library and Kees' love for animals. I wanted his room to feel like being outside. This is the largest painting I have ever done! It is taller than Kees and takes up a good amount of the wall in his room. It was a lot of fun to paint! When I would get a free moment in the evening I would sit down and paint.
 Kees loves a stuff animal fox that we see at the library so I thought I would put a fox in the painting. Although Kees informed me that he thinks the fox looks, "Scary." Hopefully he will start to like it and I won't need to get out the white- out! ha

 Mr. Owl high above in the tree...
 A woodpecker hard at work...
 Mommy and baby raccoon. Kees loves raccoon's so I had to add one in for sure!
 Someone left some tracks in the dirt...
 Little deer peaking out of the tree...
 The hiding baby raccoon...
 Protective mommy raccoon!
 ...and then we come to the Oregon Duck. This may seem silly and not fit at all but Kees loves the Oregon duck and we had talked about making his room decorated with the Oregon Ducks. This is a fun added, "animal" to the forest and made the painting specially made for Kees. :)
My  professional artist signature :)


dajmommy said...

I cannot believe how fabulous of an artist you are! You could start your own business. I love the added Oregon duck for the forest theme. So cute! I'm going to rig the Christmas drawing and request a special edition print for one of us. :) Love and hugs~ Ang

Wendi said...

We just love what you've done :)
Wonderful job, it's so cute that Kees thinks the fox is "scary"!ha!
love, Mom & Dad

Wendi said...

Dad wanted to know what kind of paint you used :) ?

Kramers said...
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Kramers said...

@Angie- Thanks! Feel free to rig the Christmas list :)

Kramers said...

@Mom- they were acrylic craft paints and I got the huge canvas for $6! Still using my old tricks! School pencils are my trademark ;)ha!

Meredith Redd said...

Amazing! You are soooo talented. Kees is lucky to have a mom that would invest that much time with all of his likes included! ~Meredith