Saturday, July 16, 2011

Trip to the Coast!

Kees has been asking to ride his bike but it has been raining so much that we couldn't go outside. So, finally yesterday the sun was shinning!! You have to take advantage of it here in Holland because you never know when you might see it again. We decided to take Kees for a bike trip to the coast. Along the coast there are great wide open bike paths. Here is a view out the window of the car on the way to the coast.
Wonderful sunshine!
Kees started out doing great!
Following Papa.
He then decided he was done with the bike. Steve carried Kees' bike on the back of his bike and Kees and I walked the bike path back to the car.
Taking a short stop along the path.
A little Kees print :)
"I like the ocean!" - Kees

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