I love organization. Lets just say I get a little too excited over the tupperware store. As a kid one thing I loved to do was organize my moms make-up drawer. My house is always perfectly organized. Everything is in its place. Kees' toys are always in a neat row. He keeps all his coloring at the table. Yeah right! Most of the time we have to step over mounds of toys to get to the couch. One thing that I have found that I can keep organized (most of the time) is my purse. I saw this idea and I thought it was really great. We have all had it happen... you go to get your wallet out of your purse and out falls a used tissue, hot wheel car, old receipts, a cracker that the little one took a bite out of and there was no other place to put it. I discovered the use of small zipper bags in your purse! So, say your phone rings and you know it is in the blue zipper bag you can find it in a snap! Why is it that when you finally find your phone in your purse (after digging) it is always right at the time of the last ring?

Need to write something down...oh look a nice little notebook and a pen!

The little lime green bag is made just for kees' toys and crayons.
Enjoy your new organized purse! When the house is a mess you can take satisfaction in your perfectly organized purse :)