Friday, August 30, 2013


 I had a wonderful evening going out on the town with my best friend for my birthday.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Lekker Pannekoek!

 My family took me to my favorite pannekoeken cafe for a early birthday lunch!
Sela likes to color! She wants to do everything older brother is doing. :)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

This is the day!

                        This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.

I overheard someone ask a mom of 4 year old twin boys and a 12 month old daughter how she is, "able to do it." Her answer really hit me. "One day at a time." was her answer. It made me think of this verse in Psalms and to take one day at a time and to enjoy each day. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013


 Here is Kees playing on the canons on the Onze Lieve Vrouwewal along the Maas river. This city wall was built in 1229! In front of the wall is a nice park and beautiful view of the river.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Back to School!

It was back to school for Kees this morning bright and early!
He was excited to get back to see his friends and teachers. The parents stayed for a while in the class this morning. The kids all went around and told their names...each child was being shy after being away for the summer. I noticed one little boy (same age as Kees) crossing his arms. Then the boy shouted out frustrated at how slow the name game was going, "If this is going to take any longer than I'm going to go home!" It was pretty funny. Anyway Kees had a great day back. You can keep Kees in your prayers... going to school in a language that is not your first language can't be easy. Kees told me that he hurt his hand on the playground and prayed for Jesus to make it better. I'm pretty sure praying is not something the teachers or kids ever see so Kees is also learning that not everyone prays or knows Jesus. 
 So proud of Kees!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Sela is 10 Months!

 She is ready for football season!
Little duck! :)

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Last night was the big night of Steve's surprise party! It was not easy keeping it a secret with so many people being involved. Our good friend Ben helped by taking Steve to dinner so I could leave with the kids get there in time to set up. We filled the room with balloons, streamers, and a cake glowing with 40 candles. The look on his face was one of shock when he walked in. Three good friends from Delft also came down to Maastricht so that made it really touching that they would come from hours away by train just for the party then left again that night. We started the night with a slide show movie to honor Steve's miraculous life of 40 years then many students shared of how Steve had made a difference in their lives and what he meant to them. The best part was seeing Steve get to just sit and have a night that was just made to honor him. He does SO much for others that it was his turn. It was super fun that he had NO idea...did he really think I wasn't going to give him a party on his 40th? :)

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Happy Birthday Steve!

Happy 40th Birthday to my best friend! 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Happy Birthday Fram!!


 We are back! We had a nice time at the conference. It was a very beautiful location in the hills of Germany.
 As soon as we got there Kees spotted the playground! We spent a lot of time here. :)
 A beautiful old cottage on the campus grounds. Love the heart shape on the windows!

 We enjoyed exploring on the break. We found these little deer...Kees was being a protective big brother to Sela.
 My sweet Kees. He had a blast! They had a great kids program and he had 3 other boys his age to play with.
 Sela on our walk. Always a content little lady!
 The Netherlands flag at prayer time.
 Kees and his buddy Max. They became good friends. Max and his family are missionaries in Sweden.
 I got a chance to head up a worship art station at the creative art evening. Painting with Sela! :)
 Kees singing with his class!
 The Netherlands team!
Sela was happy to play in the long as mommy stayed to play too!