Thursday, September 27, 2012


 Sela we are all waiting for you...
 Your sweet baby clothes are hanging ready for you to wear...
 The bags are all packed and ready to go to the hospital!
 Mommy is READY for you to be in my arms!
 Your blankets are ready to wrap you in...
 The celebration Dutch cookies (Beschuit met Muisjes) are ready in the kitchen!
The home-birth kit is also ready in case you come fast like your brother. We love you already so much my baby Sela! 

Friday, September 21, 2012

38 Weeks!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Our Little Girl

Here is the ultrasound picture from today's appointment of Sela sucking her thumb. The midwife gave Steve his lessons in childbirth. He was doing well until she gave him a mucus sucker to suck the fluid from the mouth of the baby. It looks like our plan of action is to have the midwife come to the house first then she can decide if she thinks I have enough time to get to the hospital or not. Sela is looking like she is going to be bigger than Kees by the size she is right now. It was a blessed day to see my baby girl on the ultrasound screen. We were also told that it is 200% a girl. We knew already that it is a girl but hearing 200% was good to hear again since all the clothes and blankets are pink! :) 

Sunday, September 2, 2012


 After seeing the movie 'Ratatouille' Kees wanted to make a chef hat and has been into making things in the kitchen.

He even had his rat in his hat to help him cook!  :)